Andrew Hutchings, Long Beach



About Andrew Hutchings, Long Beach


Andrew Hutchings is someone who lives life to the fullest. In addition to enjoying the perks of a thriving real estate career built over the past four decades, Andrew is also an avid collector and enthusiast of fine wines, deep tissue massages, and showpiece wristwatches. His appreciation of the finer things stems from his fortunate upbringing. Andrew and his family began traveling the world at a very early age, courtesy of his father’s airline job. He and his brothers have traveled around the globe no fewer than eleven times. Through these experiences, Andrew’s eyes were opened to a world outside the United States, and he fell in love with the rich history of Europe and other ancient lands. As a result, Andrew began collecting items with historical significance that he also personally loved, such as wine and watches. The idea of carrying an actual piece of history on his wrist is fascinating to him.

True to form, Andrew Hutchings is teaching his children how to appreciate the finer things as well. He has many reasons to be proud of his kids aside from their sophisticated upbringing. His son is in medical school in Belarus, and his daughter is in NYC getting her master’s degree. Visiting his children and watching them succeed is one of Andrew’s other joys in life. 

Along with travel, Andrew is an admitted foodie. Whenever he gets the chance, he enjoys exploring new flavors and cuisines. Mexico holds a special place in his heart because it’s a part of his heritage, and Mexican food is one of his favorite meals to enjoy.

Another recreational activity that Andrew enjoys is attending car shows. He is a regular fixture at Barret Jackson collector auctions, attending annually for 25 straight years. The number one attraction for car lovers in the United States has been around for 50 years, and Andrew is proud to be a loyal follower for half its lifetime. Thousands of the world’s most distinctive and sought-after vehicles parade down the street in front of a worldwide audience, both in-person and on live domestic and international television. Over 500,000 people attend the auctions in Vegas, Houston, Scottsdale, and Palm Beach. They come to watch the bidding action, buy their dream automobile, meet with celebrities, take exhilarating thrills in the hottest vehicles from America’s leading automakers, or shop in the massive Exhibitor Marketplace.

To keep up with the latest news about Andrew Hutchings from Long Beach, visit his other websites, and!

Andrew Hutchings Long Beach

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